Emergency Safety & Medical Numbers
When in Italy, you do not need to dial +39 (Italy's area code), but you need to dial the 055 prefix (Florence area code). Special Emergency Numbers(3 or 4 digits) do not need the prefix and are free. 800 numbers are also free phone numbers.
Phone Numbers
POLICE|113|dial directly w/out prefix**
POLICE Statements Office|(+39) 055 497 71|Via Zara, 2**
POLICE Station - Theft or Loss|(+39) 055 203 911|Via Pietrapiana, 50red**
CARABINIERI|112|dial directly w/out prefix**
CARABINIERI HQ - Theft or Loss|(+39) 055 248 11| Via Borgo Ognissanti, 48**
INTERPRETERS' Office|(+39) 055 203 91363|for translations**
FIRE BRIGADE|115|dial directly w/out prefix**
FIRE BRIGADE in the woods|1515|dial directly w/out prefix**
URBAN POLICE|(+39) 055 328 333|for fines, towed or blocked cars**
CAR Emergency - ACI|116|dial directly w/out prefix**
LOST & FOUND|(+39) 055 334 802|Via F.Veracini, 5 - uffogtro@comune.firenze.it
Phone Numbers
MEDICAL Emergency/Ambulance|118|dial directly w/out prefix**
FARMACIA COMUNALE 13 - disabled access ok|(+39) 055 289 435|Inside Railway Station**
FARMACIA ALL'INSEGNA DEL MORO - disabled access ok|(+39) 055 211 343|Piazza San Giovanni, 20red (Duomo Square)**
FARMACIA MOLTENI - disabled acces: 4cm step|(+39) 055 289 490|Via Calzaiuoli, 7red**
FIRST AID HOSPITAL|(+39) 055 275 81|Piazza Santa Maria Nuova, 1**
SEXUAL Abuse or Assault|(+39) 055 7947 493| **
DOCTORS|English speaking|General Practioners, Dentists, etc..**
DOCTORS|French speaking|Médecins Generalist, Dentistes, etc.. **
DOCTORS|German speaking|Generische Doktor, Zahnaertze, etc..
Phone Numbers
VETS Emergency|800 029 449|free number**
DOGS SHELTER|(+39) 055 332 301|(+39) 055 367 447(after 7pm)**
Random CATS SHELTER|(+39) 329 951 8935|24hrs**